Frequently Asked Questions

Search our entire database of frequently asked questions
  • Can I host my own site?

    We host all of our own sites across all of our companies. We use blazing-fast private servers maintained with a high degree of security. Our site is hosted on the same servers are yours, and we take our data very seriously. That being said, if you would like to purchase a ready-made Wordpress website design and host it yourself, we offer a purchase process.

  • What types of pages are available?

    We can literally build anything you want, but the list below is a broad overview of typical pages we see during builds. Every site comes with a terms and conditions, privacy policy, and accessibility statement free of charge. These are the most typical pages we see in sites:

    • Home
    • About Us
    • Contact
    • Service(s)
    • Location(s)
    • Project(s)
    • Service Area(s)
    • Reviews
    • FAQ(s)
    • Shop
    • Cart
    • Team Member(s)
    • Support
    • Blog
    • Blog Post
  • What pages are normally included in the Core plan?

    Generally speaking, a Core plan website will have: homepage, about, contact, services, and a service template page. That being said, some clients won’t need a services page as they can list them all on the homepage, and in that instance we would look at a reviews page, or a frequently asked questions page.

  • How are pages calculated?

    Pages are calculated by the unique layouts. So every page that has a unique layout counts as a page. For things like services and blog posts, they only count as one page as we use the same template for both. In some instances, we would utilize numerous templates for services and locations, and each one would count as a page.

  • What happens at the end of our contract period?

    At the end of your contract period, you have three options.

    Option 1 is to keep it and let us build you an all-new site for another 2-year agreement. Most websites should be refreshed after 3 years, but it never hurts when you get a refresh for the exact same monthly cost!

    Option 2 is to switch to our monthly maintenance plan, which includes all updates and plugin licenses. We continue to service your website and make any content changes necessary.

    Finally, for option three we can transfer your website and domain to you to add to your new host provider. This will be a zipped file that will be shared via our cloud storage and you or your new developer would be responsible for setting it up. Note: plugin licenses don’t transfer with the domain, so you would be responsible for ongoing payments if you choose to keep the premium plugins.

  • Will my site be Google friendly?

    Yes! Your site will be optimized for Google out of the box. On page SEO is included with our higher packages, but our Core site is already optimized for speed and SEO. Our goal is always to organically get you ranking as high as possible. Google rankings all depend on what industry and keyword you want to rank for.

  • How long will it take for my website to be launched?

    Our process is laid out in detail here. It really is all up to you as to how long it takes. Once we have your content, images, and branding information, our project managers fire up the developers and the building starts. If we have everything right when you sign your contract, there is no reason we can’t deliver your website in 21 days or less.

  • Do you offer a money back guarantee?

    Absolutely. Zero questions asked. If for any reason within 30 days of signing your contract, you aren’t happy with your site or your service and you don’t think we can correct it to your satisfaction, just request a refund. We delete all work on your site and you are on your way, no hard feelings.

  • Do I own my website?

    Yes! At the end of your 2-year payment plan, your website is yours to do with what you wish. If you choose to move on prior to the 2-year plan ending, we just request that your balance be paid in full and we can transfer a zipped copy of your website to be taken to whatever hosting you desire. Keep in mind, plugin licenses do NOT transfer so you would be responsible for any license fees that remain at the termination of our agreement.

  • How much will my site cost?

    As little as $175 a month for 2 years. That’s right! For less than $200 a month you can have a professionally designed lead generating website built, optimized, secured, and hosted.